When starting/stopping the Managed Server or Admin Server (WebLogic),
./startManagedWebLogic.sh bi_server1 http://hostname:7001
the user is prompted to enter username and password
Instead, you can enable auto login using a boot identity file. A boot identity file contains
user credentials for starting and stopping an instance of WebLogic Server. An Administration
Server can refer to this file for user credentials instead of prompting you to provide them.
Because the credentials are encrypted, using a boot identity file is more secure than storing
unencrypted credentials in a startup or shutdown script. If there is no boot identity file when
you start a server, the server instance prompts you to enter a username and password. The boot
identity file can be different for each server instance in the domain
A) To configure the boot.properties file for the Managed Server, perform the following steps:
1. Browse to
$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/servers/bi_server1/security and edit the boot.properties file
$ vi boot.properties
2. Modify the file to reflect the following and save it:
3. Browse to
./startManagedWebLogic.sh bi_server1 http://hostname:7001/console
B) To configure the boot.properties file for the AdminServer (WebLogic), perform the following steps:
1. Browse to
$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/servers/AdminServers/security and edit the boot.properties file.
$ vi boot.properties
2. Modify the file to reflect the following and save it:
3. Browse to
Note that the boot.properties file is identified and you are not prompted for a username and
password. The server is in the running mode. Nagivate to boot.properties and notice that the content of the file is now encrypted.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
OBIEE log files and where to find them
OBIEE Logs are generated by the following components
1) BI Presentation Server
2) BI Server
3) BI Javahost
4) BI Scheduler
1) Presentation Server log (helpful to for presentation server login issues and Answer/dashboard related issues) and it can be located at ORACLEBIDATA/web/log/sawlog0.log
You can increase the logging on this server to get a detailed logging to troubleshoot the SSO and integration issues by modifying the logconfig.xml file
2) BI Server Logs:
- NQServer.log can be located from the path ORACLEBI/server/log/NQServer.log.
helpful with BI Server Start up issues and Subject areas loaded and the datasources connectedfrom within the RPD.
- NQQurey.log can be located from ORACLEBI/server/log/NSQuery.log
contains the BI Server query operations. Traces user actions.It can also identify if the query is hit from the cache or results obtained are straight from the database and also the actual time it took to execute the query.
It is possible to increase the logging for the NQquery.log via the RPD Security, or via the initialization blocks or by setting the LOGLEVEL Variable from the Answers 'Advanced' tab.The session variable LOGLEVEL overrides a user's logging level. For example, if the Oracle BI Administrator has a logging level set at 2 and the LOGLEVEL is set at 1 in the repository initialization block then the Oracle BI Administrator's logging level will be set at 1.
3) BI Javahost logs - for identifying the issues with the charts and graphs generated by java from answers/dashboard reports; diagnosing the issues with EPM and OBIEE integration with custom authenticator. Located at: ORACLEBIDATA/web/log/javahost/jhost0.log
4) BI Scheduler.log is useful for diagnosing the issues with delivers/scheduler.
To increase the logging on Scheduler, Set Debug flag to true in the Scheduler Job Manager configuration window.
- located at OracleBI/Server/log directory.
(source: Metalink Note 1069199.1)
1) BI Presentation Server
2) BI Server
3) BI Javahost
4) BI Scheduler
1) Presentation Server log (helpful to for presentation server login issues and Answer/dashboard related issues) and it can be located at ORACLEBIDATA/web/log/sawlog0.log
You can increase the logging on this server to get a detailed logging to troubleshoot the SSO and integration issues by modifying the logconfig.xml file
2) BI Server Logs:
- NQServer.log can be located from the path ORACLEBI/server/log/NQServer.log.
helpful with BI Server Start up issues and Subject areas loaded and the datasources connectedfrom within the RPD.
- NQQurey.log can be located from ORACLEBI/server/log/NSQuery.log
contains the BI Server query operations. Traces user actions.It can also identify if the query is hit from the cache or results obtained are straight from the database and also the actual time it took to execute the query.
It is possible to increase the logging for the NQquery.log via the RPD Security, or via the initialization blocks or by setting the LOGLEVEL Variable from the Answers 'Advanced' tab.The session variable LOGLEVEL overrides a user's logging level. For example, if the Oracle BI Administrator has a logging level set at 2 and the LOGLEVEL is set at 1 in the repository initialization block then the Oracle BI Administrator's logging level will be set at 1.
3) BI Javahost logs - for identifying the issues with the charts and graphs generated by java from answers/dashboard reports; diagnosing the issues with EPM and OBIEE integration with custom authenticator. Located at: ORACLEBIDATA/web/log/javahost/jhost0.log
4) BI Scheduler.log is useful for diagnosing the issues with delivers/scheduler.
To increase the logging on Scheduler, Set Debug flag to true in the Scheduler Job Manager configuration window.
- located at OracleBI/Server/log directory.
(source: Metalink Note 1069199.1)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How to create WebLogic / OC4J / All as Windows Services
Steps to Start WebLogic as a Windows Service:
1. Go to $%WEBLOGIC_DIR%\wlserver_10.3\server\bin where WEBLOGIC_DIR is the home directory of weblogic installation.
2. Create a file called createSvc.cmd with following values:
(please make sure you mention the right domain name, path and admin server instance name)
echo off
set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\user_projects\domains\base_domain
set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
set PRODUCTION_MODE=true (or False if you are in DEV mode)
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.6
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m
call "C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
3. create a backup of InstallSvc.cmd (because we are going to alter the default service name to be something more meaningful: Oracle WebLogic)
4. Edit InstallSvc.cmd
- search for 'beasvc'
- replace
%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:"beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%"
with the meaningful chosen service name:
%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:"Oracle WebLogic %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%"
5. Execute createSvc.cmd script from same folder C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\
- This should create service with name of "Oracle WebLogic base_Domain_Adminserver" in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
6.You can now start and stop the service from the Services control panel window.
NOTE: if you want to delete the win service created, in the command line, type:
> sc delete < SERVICE name>
(reference: http://www.sadikhov.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=118351)
More on this: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/web.1111/e13708/winservice.htm
OC4J as a Windows Service
Download JavaService.exe from http://javaservice.objectweb.org/
Pre Requisite: JDK 1.5 plus should be present on the machine.
1. Go to $%WEBLOGIC_DIR%\wlserver_10.3\server\bin where WEBLOGIC_DIR is the home directory of weblogic installation.
2. Create a file called createSvc.cmd with following values:
(please make sure you mention the right domain name, path and admin server instance name)
echo off
set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\user_projects\domains\base_domain
set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
set PRODUCTION_MODE=true (or False if you are in DEV mode)
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.6
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m
call "C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
3. create a backup of InstallSvc.cmd (because we are going to alter the default service name to be something more meaningful: Oracle WebLogic
4. Edit InstallSvc.cmd
- search for 'beasvc'
- replace
%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:"beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%"
with the meaningful chosen service name:
%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:"Oracle WebLogic %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%"
5. Execute createSvc.cmd script from same folder C:\app\product\10.3.3\mt_1\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\
- This should create service with name of "Oracle WebLogic base_Domain_Adminserver" in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
6.You can now start and stop the service from the Services control panel window.
> sc delete < SERVICE name>
Pre Requisite: JDK 1.5 plus should be present on the machine.
1. cmd prompt and cd to the folder where the javaservice.exe resides
2. javaservice -install "Oracle BI: OC4J Service" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512m "-Djava.class.path=C:\app\oracle\product\10.1.3\bi_1\oraclebi\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar" -start oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap -description "Oracle BI Oc4J Service"
3. now you can net start the service
NOTE: step 2) needs to be configured according to your system settings (i.e.: java jdk path, oracle BI path)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Finally, OBIEE 11g is out!!
Product download:
Upgrade from
Documentation available at:
Product download:
Upgrade from
Documentation available at:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
11g - Change Name from BI to custom
Get Day/Month/Year from a Calendar Date
Roll-Over functionality
Allkind of Get Date functions in OBIEE
Get Day/Month/Year from a Calendar Date
Roll-Over functionality
Allkind of Get Date functions in OBIEE
Thursday, February 11, 2010
How to Build an Academic Year Time Dimension
Working as a Business Intelligence consultant is exposing me to new challenges every day. Finding the needle in the stack of hay or coming up with an innovative solution can be sometimes a very difficult task. As such, I have decided to start my own OBIEE blog, where I will write about my own found solutions or about useful articles that helped me do my daily job.
I will start with a common task, that of building a calendar dimension.
I have found the following interesting entry on John Minkjan's OBI blog, containing tips on what should the time table contain. The full thread can be found here.
Below I will provide the sql query that I have used for building an Academic Year time dimension. The requirement was:
- populate the calendar with data starting with a specific date (representing the date when the data warehouse started being populated).
- the week-start-day was considered to be a Sunday
- the academic start year is 1 April of each calendar year.
The bellow is specific to these requirements:
-- day level
time_id date,
day_name varchar2(20),
day_number_in_week number,
day_number_in_month number,
day_number_in_year number,
working_day_flag varchar2(1),
--week level
week_number number,
week_number_pay varchar(3),
week_start_date date,
week_end_date date,
-- month level
month_name varchar(20),
month_number number,
month_no_of_days number,
-- quarter level
quarter_number number,
beg_of_quarter date,
end_of_quarter date,
-- year level
year_number number,
year_number_of_days number,
year_start_date date,
year_end_date date
INSERT INTO ay_calendar
( time_id,
year_end_date )
TRUNC( sd ) time_id,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'fmDay' ) day_name,
TO_CHAR( sd + 1, 'D' ) day_number_in_week,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'DD' ) day_number_in_month,
TO_CHAR( sd - add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) + 1, '000' ) day_number_in_year,
CASE WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'fmDay' ) IN ('Sunday', 'Saturday') THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END working_day_flag,
trunc((sd - NEXT_DAY(add_months(TRUNC(add_months(sd,-3),'YEAR' ),3)-7,'SUNDAY'))/7) + 1 week_number,
NEXT_DAY( sd - 7, 'SUNDAY' ) week_start_date,
NEXT_DAY( sd - 1, 'SATURDAY' ) week_end_date,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'MM' ) month_number,
TO_CHAR( LAST_DAY( sd ), 'DD' ) month_no_of_days,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'FMMonth' ) month_name,
TRUNC( sd, 'Q' ) beg_of_quarter,
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 1 THEN
TO_DATE( '03/31/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 2 THEN
TO_DATE( '06/30/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 3 THEN
TO_DATE( '09/30/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 4 THEN
TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
END ) end_of_quarter,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'Q' ) quarter_number,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ) year_number,
( add_months(TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' ),3)
- add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) ) + 1 year_number_of_days,
add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) year_start_date,
add_months(TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' ),3) year_end_date
TO_DATE( '05/24/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) + rownum sd
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 3650
I hope this helps and gives some hints on how to tackle creating and populating the time dimension at database level.
All the best until next time!
I will start with a common task, that of building a calendar dimension.
I have found the following interesting entry on John Minkjan's OBI blog, containing tips on what should the time table contain. The full thread can be found here.
Below I will provide the sql query that I have used for building an Academic Year time dimension. The requirement was:
- populate the calendar with data starting with a specific date (representing the date when the data warehouse started being populated).
- the week-start-day was considered to be a Sunday
- the academic start year is 1 April of each calendar year.
The bellow is specific to these requirements:
-- day level
time_id date,
day_name varchar2(20),
day_number_in_week number,
day_number_in_month number,
day_number_in_year number,
working_day_flag varchar2(1),
--week level
week_number number,
week_number_pay varchar(3),
week_start_date date,
week_end_date date,
-- month level
month_name varchar(20),
month_number number,
month_no_of_days number,
-- quarter level
quarter_number number,
beg_of_quarter date,
end_of_quarter date,
-- year level
year_number number,
year_number_of_days number,
year_start_date date,
year_end_date date
INSERT INTO ay_calendar
( time_id,
year_end_date )
TRUNC( sd ) time_id,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'fmDay' ) day_name,
TO_CHAR( sd + 1, 'D' ) day_number_in_week,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'DD' ) day_number_in_month,
TO_CHAR( sd - add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) + 1, '000' ) day_number_in_year,
CASE WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'fmDay' ) IN ('Sunday', 'Saturday') THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END working_day_flag,
trunc((sd - NEXT_DAY(add_months(TRUNC(add_months(sd,-3),'YEAR' ),3)-7,'SUNDAY'))/7) + 1 week_number,
NEXT_DAY( sd - 7, 'SUNDAY' ) week_start_date,
NEXT_DAY( sd - 1, 'SATURDAY' ) week_end_date,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'MM' ) month_number,
TO_CHAR( LAST_DAY( sd ), 'DD' ) month_no_of_days,
TO_CHAR( sd, 'FMMonth' ) month_name,
TRUNC( sd, 'Q' ) beg_of_quarter,
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 1 THEN
TO_DATE( '03/31/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 2 THEN
TO_DATE( '06/30/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 3 THEN
TO_DATE( '09/30/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
WHEN TO_CHAR( sd, 'Q' ) = 4 THEN
TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( sd, 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' )
END ) end_of_quarter,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'Q' ) quarter_number,
TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ) year_number,
( add_months(TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' ),3)
- add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) ) + 1 year_number_of_days,
add_months(TRUNC( add_months(sd,-3), 'YEAR' ),3) year_start_date,
add_months(TO_DATE( '12/31/' || TO_CHAR( add_months(sd,-3), 'YYYY' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY' ),3) year_end_date
TO_DATE( '05/24/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) + rownum sd
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 3650
I hope this helps and gives some hints on how to tackle creating and populating the time dimension at database level.
All the best until next time!
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